Cooking for…


One. I just can’t seem to get myself to reduce recipes so I have just the right amount. And I don’t want to eat a sandwich or salad each day – since those are common single serving meals. (A bowl of cereal works in a pinch too.) I also never seem to plan ahead enough to get someone, or two, or three to come over to help me eat it all. I seem to cook when the mood hits me. Today was one of those days.

This recipe is one that I got from a friend. You marinate the chicken and mushrooms in a marinade that has soy sauce, cider vinegar, honey, canola oil and green onion. When you’re ready to grill, you wrap the chicken in thick cut bacon. It’s best to give the bacon a head start and pre-cook it a little. I cut up a fresh pineapple, but you can use chunk pineapple from a can too.

I did all of this and then I hit a snag. I couldn’t get the grill to light. My ignition switch went out last year and I haven’t had a man-type around to show me how to light it the old fashioned way. I’ve gotten directions from my brother and a friend on how to light it. So I tried it today. No luck. Damn it. Most of the time, the single thing is just fine. But this is one of those times when it would be nice to have a man around. (Grilling and opening jars with lids that are too tight.) Anyway… I’m not a quitter. I problem solve. The alternative? Broiling them in the oven.

They turned out great! At first I thought I had too many kabobs on my baking sheet. So I removed about half and did them in two batches. Like I said, I’m a problem solver. The next obstacle? Making sure I don’t get too tired of them as I eat them for lunch and dinner over the course of the next week! Left-overs anyone?


One Response to “Cooking for…”

  1. Sharkey Says:

    Wow–that is a lotta kabobs! I bet it would be good if you put some leftovers on lettuce and made a salad. Maybe with some citrus-y or Asian-y dressing?

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